Balkan states in the imperialist war

The war in Ukraine between Russian and American imperialism in collusion with German, French, and British imperialism is taking on a form that will make it much wider in the chain of general imperialist war, whereby Ukraine is only a training ground within the conflict of transnational groups of capital. The war is waged mercilessly on the world capital market with the formation of imperialist alliances and with the efforts of many countries to try to position themselves so as not to pay the highest price of the war. That war can have a long cyclical phase, alternating between general destruction, “permitted” destruction, negotiations, occasional truces, and new alliances. The suffering of the masses is already statistically registered only for the propaganda purposes of the imperialists.

In previous imperialist wars, the Balkans was one of the hubs that played a significant role in general conflicts. That historical sequence can be intended for it again. The initial symptoms of such a course of events are already clearly visible.

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Since its founding, the Party of Labor has supported the just struggle of the Albanian people in Kosovo for national liberation from the Belgrade regime.

However, liberation from the Greater-Serbian boot at the end of the twentieth century did not mean freedom for the people of Kosovo. They fell under the boot of a more powerful master and became another tool in the great imperialist competition in the Balkans. The current tensions over Kosovo, to which the Belgrade regime, with the support of the Russian imperialists, is giving special attention, is in the service of causing more significant conflicts in the Balkans; that is to say, it represents the resistance of Russian imperialism which is trying not to be pushed out of the Balkans. At the same time, it is an effort of aggressive Western imperialism to bring the Balkans under its control, and from which the Kosovo authorities, in their servility and powerlessness, seek protection, not thinking of continuing the struggle for the liberation of the people of Kosovo.

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The misery of the European left

Since the beginning of the 20th century, when capitalism suppressed the revolution in Germany, not allowing the “plague of Bolshevism” to spread to the West, the European proletariat has increasingly sunk into reformist and opportunistic positions, unable to pose a real danger to the so-called western world of capital. For this, there were various causes: primarily in the concentration of capital on European soil, which remained together with the US the fortress of capitalism in the fight against the communist world behind the “iron curtain”, with a well-constructed repressive apparatus and powerful propaganda mechanisms that narrowed the possibility of revolutionary organizing. On the other hand, the position of the European proletariat was the position of the working aristocracy in relation to the proletariat of colonialized and underdeveloped countries in the rest of the world. This showcase of a consumer society proclaimed “political freedoms” with irresistible force, luring the world’s poor to come to Europe for a slice of bread and political security, fleeing poverty and endangerment. The victory of this capitulistic current among the leaders of the labor movement of Europe resulted in the fact that for a lifetime, this labor, led by such a left, represented the best dam for the preservation of capitalism. And not only the dam but also an ally to Western imperialism in its fight against “disobedient countries” and liberation movements around the world. Some expressions of solidarity with the liberation struggle around the world against the aggressive onset of Western imperialism ended at the level of the usual street demonstrations, possibly clashing with the police or appeals that were more an expression of humiliation than an expression of the strength of the rebellious masses.

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