

1.  Events and processes which took place on the territory of former Yugoslavia unambiguously show:

– the dependence of the existing regimes on multinational Capital and their semi-colonial position, with classical elements of foreign protectorates over former countries of Yugoslavia;

– the obvious wish of the existing regimes to be included in the Imperialist policy of “global war against terrorism”, with the tendency towards greater involvements within NATO, whose role is the oppressive stabilization of the restored Capitalist order;

– the elimination of the whole heritage of the former Socialist revolution on the territory of former Yugoslavia, crushing and depriving the widest layers of society of basic social rights;

– inciting of nationalism among the Yugoslav peoples by the ruling classes in their political struggle to gain the greatest influence on the Balkans, as well as using nationalism to turn the oppressed masses away from the class struggle; at the same time we must be aware of the fact that organized fascism is more and more present on the political scene, as the reflection of global fascisation and as an expression of the inability of the ruling classes to solve basic social problems;

– the bankruptcy of parliamentarism, and of so-called parliamentary democracy as a form of rule over the oppressed masses;

– the non-existence of stronger revolutionary forces capable of articulating the discontent among the people, and to lead a serious class struggle.

The Central Committee of Partija rada thinks that the existing processes in the new countries on the territory of former Yugoslavia will deepen the social crisis, which is an expression of the global crisis existing all over the world, i.e. the so-called transitional processes – “including European and Euro-Atlantic integration“, with the inability to enable a harmonious development of society. This will increase the overall poverty of population. The main blow will be against the dispersed and disoriented working class, since there would be attempts to marginalize more and more its role in the political and economic life of society. All that would cause constant tensions in inter-ethnic relationships, as well as the appearance of territorial pretensions which serve the competition of the imperialist centers of power for control over the Balkans. The class struggle would get sharper, in other words, more radical forms of class struggle would be strengthened. The regimes would set their course on open demonstration of contemporary forms of fascism.

2. The defeat which the working class on the territory of former Yugoslavia suffered is a result of deeper and broader political processes which took place in Europe, but at the same time it is a result of its decades-long dispossession. The means for production have now been completely taken from its hands. The working class is dispersed, politically marginalized, without clear class consciousness and clear vision of how to improve its economic and political position. In the struggle for the further centralization of Capital in the hands of the domestic capitalist class and global usurers, through the so-called transitional processes, the further exploitation of the working class is developing, as well as the exploitation and destruction of natural and public wealth. The new domestic bloodsuckers and modern world colonizers use any mean to gain profit. That is why a series of restrictive laws are proclaimed whose goal is to protect capital and to consolidate the capitalist social order. With the weakening of influence, loss of rights and impoverishment of the working class, the number of unemployed as well as the lumpen-proletariat is also growing. The trade unions are just in the service of the existing regimes, simply bypassing political events, without any influence on the movements within society. Beside that, the puppet regimes each day recruit new soldiers for the defense of the existing order –new policemen, professional soldiers, banking and state employees, or mercenaries of all kinds, paid by the Usurers International.

PR thinks that the working class must return to a clear class consciousness and develop its instinct of class struggle. The comeback of the working class on the political scene on the territory of former Yugoslavia would not come from nothing, no matter the conditions of the oppressed layers at the moment. The working class must be offered clear goals which are appropriate to its historical interests. At the same time, the working class and other oppressed layers must recognize its political vanguard, which offers them the realization of those goals, a guarantee of their struggle, and their liberation.

PR sets its goals. The primary goal of PR is the taking of political power by the working class and the destruction of the comprador capitalist class. Between the world of labor and the world of capital there are no compromises.

Despite the current hard position there, on the territory of former Yugoslavia, the level of productive forces is such that it is possible to have: permanent jobs and earnings to satisfy basic human needs, fulfilling the housing needs of the whole population, free and available health care for all, schooling and cultural needs, as well as preserving a healthy environment. The preconditions to achieving these goals are: democratic government and rule of the working class over the means for production and whole natural wealth. The obstacle on the way to fulfilling these goals is not as big as it seems. It just needs constant and decisive crushing.

3. The national question on the territory of former Yugoslavia and in the Balkans has not been solved. This question is an expression of the historic lateness of the peoples of the Balkans in building a modern form of civil society, as well as inability of the States of so-called actually existing socialism to overcome the national question, so that the national question would become irrelevant as a basic political question of civil society. While treating the national question in the Balkans, we must also start from the fact that the struggle for national liberation and the emancipation of peoples can be used by the imperialist centers of power to achieve their own goals, as well as it was by the ruling regimes to protect their class positions and to conduct reactionary nationalist projects. Partija rada, as a Marxist-Leninist party, treats the national question as a constituent part of the proletarian revolution; therefore, it thinks that the national question cannot be fully solved if we do not supersede capitalist relations. Partija rada starts from the fact that the revolutionary forces of the people of oppressor nations should strive to support the right of the oppressed peoples to self-determination, while the revolutionary forces of people of the oppressed nations should strive to establish a wider community of equal peoples. Partija rada supports all processes which weaken nationalism and fascism on the territory of former Yugoslavia and the Balkans, and which also enable national equality of all peoples who live on that territory.

The CC of Partija rada concentrates its positions on the national question in the present phase of political relationships:

To support those forces in Slovenia which are fighting for her independence from the imperialist centers of power, which work to strengthen the class struggle and which are opposed to pulling Slovenia into regional imperialist competitions.

To support the struggle against the nationalist forces in Croatia. That means, in the first place, against the pro-Ustashe and other Great-Croatian forces. The struggle against Great-Croatian nationalism should also prevent the new strengthening of Great-Serb nationalism and Italian irredentism. To support those forces which wish to increase the level of struggle against “European Croatia“, by leading the struggle of the oppressed and impoverished masses.

To fight for preserving a united Bosnia and Herzegovina as an equal community of Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, and all other nations which live there, by further weakening the Great-Serbian and Great-Croatian forces. For strengthening of those forces which should stand against the NATO occupation forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina from class and internationalist positions.

To support the recognition of the particularity of the Montenegro nation, and the sovereignty of Montenegro, with full equality of all peoples who live there. The struggle for an independent Montenegro also means a struggle against all forms of comprador behavior by the governing elite in Montenegro.

To support the further affirmation of the Macedonian nation and the recognition of the sovereignty of Macedonia, with full equality of the Albanian and other peoples who live there. To support those forces within Macedonia that are fighting against a vassal position towards Imperialism, which today the ruling elite of Macedonia are loyally serving.

To support the struggle of the Albanian people in Kosova to achieve full national liberation, with respect to the right of self-determination of the Albanian people. To oppose those nationalist forces in Kosova which wish use the self-determination of the Albanian people to deprive the Serbian and other peoples who live in Kosova of their rights. To support those forces within the Albanian people who tie their liberation from the Great-Serbian regime to the struggle against the occupation by Imperialist NATO forces, and who are fighting for the creation of an equal community of peoples in the whole Balkans.

To support that the people of Sadžak not be part of political negotiations any more and for the full affirmation of the rights of Bosnians within Sadžak.

To support the right of the peoples of Vojvodina to constantly build and develop the particularities of their multinational community, with special support to those forces who fought against the endangering of the particularities of Vojvodina by Great-Serbian unitarism and Hungarian irredentism.

To support the right of Roma people for their economic, political and cultural emancipation, with full equality with other peoples.

To support the right of all other peoples and national minorities: Hungarians, Romanians, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Vlachs, Turks, Bulgarians, Italians, and others, to achieve their national rights.

To support those forces in Serbia which favor a final break with Great-Serbian nationalism, Chetnik ideology and unitarism, and to prevent the strengthening of different forms of organized fascism in Serbia. The fight against nationalism, unitarism and fascism in Serbia cannot be successfully led without a political position built on clear class principles.

But the CC of Partija rada, as an internationalist party, starts from the known position that ”proletarians have no homeland”, i.e. that the proletariat strives for a worldwide community without states and borders, and that the question of territories, borders, and national contradictions are used by the Imperialists and the ruling classes to keep the oppressed masses submissive. That is why Partija rada think that the peoples in the territories of former Yugoslavia, as a basic precondition for solving the national question, must strive for peace and equality between the peoples of the Balkans. A permanent peace and equality between the peoples of the Balkans is not possible without building a strong anti-imperialist movement. A revolutionary anti-imperialist movement in the Balkans is a basis for the future community of peoples in the Balkans and a guarantee of a new wave of revolutionary struggle of the oppressed masses in Europe.

4. The worldwide economic and political crisis unavoidably brought with it a whole spectrum of reactionary ideologies. Contemporary fascism in the shape of the “global war against terrorism” is becoming the leading ideology of worldwide imperialism. It is only a matter of time before Imperialism officially takes up the fascist shield to protect its positions, against the attack of the masses in revolt. Such conditions are good for clerical institutions which use the existing crisis to spread the most reactionary religious fundamentalism. In their aggressive attempts to win over the masses, the most powerful clerical institutions show more and more their global political ambitions. These new obscurantists have already proclaimed that they strive to establish a “world spiritual order”, which would subordinate scientific thought to basic religious dogmas. In the territories of the former Yugoslavia particular bearers of religious conservatism are the Serbian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, and some Islamic religious institutions. It is necessary to lead decisive struggles against those reactionary ideologies and religious political violence, which lead the oppressed masses away from the struggle for their social and political liberation. That is why the affirmation of atheism and scientific positions are the goal of all revolutionary and progressive forces.

At the same time, with the appearance of religious fundamentalism, in science itself, culture, and in information, there is a permanent production and imposition of concepts which need to enable and justify the global capitalist order as something historically necessary, something that is part of human nature, and in the development of human civilization itself. The defeat of Imperialism in the spheres of science, culture and the global information system is a precondition for its final historical breakdown.

5. Analyzing organizational questions about the building of Partija rada, the Central Committee points to elements for further development:

– Building of an anti fascist front. Participating with all democratic forces in the continuation of the struggle against different forms of nationalism and fascism in the territory of former Yugoslavia, which emerged at the end of 20th century, as well as the struggle against occurrences of aggressive manifestations of contemporary forms of organized fascism. The struggle against domestic fascism is caused by a struggle against the broader tendencies of fascisation, which demonstrate themselves on a global scale and in different forms – from the constant war and militaristic terror of Imperialism, organizing of huge fascist organizations in almost all countries, to the imposition of neo-liberalism as a global and fastidious ideology.

– Building of a social front. The growing poverty and despair among the widest popular masses, as well as the lack of stronger class organizations, impose the obligation on Partija rada to become active in the building of a social front which has already begun to arise. For the successful development of a social front it is necessary in the first place to build a clear political platform, which would offer the oppressed masses a social alternative, so that they understand that the struggle for social rights cannot be successfully waged without active political struggle. The basic goal of that struggle is to impose power over the means for production, i.e. over the whole common wealth, along with the destruction of the comprador capitalist class. By achieving that goal, the widest masses would create the preconditions for the harmonious development of society and the possibility of its full economic and political liberation. The working class and unemployed should be the base of struggle in the social front.

– Building of a women’s organization on a clear class basis. The struggle for emancipation by the existing women’s organizations on the territory of former Yugoslavia does not connect that struggle with the class struggle and class liberation. Sexual emancipation is impossible without class struggle and that is why it is necessary to build a women’s organization with a clear class basis and under the influence of the revolutionary Party, that is, to conduct constant pressure on the existing women’s organizations with the goal of raising the level of their struggle.

– Preparing of Partija rada for revolutionary struggle. “Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun.” But if we wish to reach the phase of armed struggle and armed movement in the Balkans, it is necessary, in the first place, to prepare the Party itself, as a participant and one of the carriers in the revolutionary movement in the Balkans. It is necessary every day to contribute to creating a militant and well-organized party of the proletariat.

6. The Central Committee of Partija rada thinks that, as human society controls a huge scientific knowledge, with the correct use of such knowledge in production, it is possible to fulfill the basic economic and cultural needs of all of humanity. That is the foundation for the beginning of a new human history. But social conditions which burden humanity are full of contradictions – sharp, conflicting, and conservative – that threaten general chaos and the destruction of all of humanity. Partija rada thinks that the masses, on a global scale, have already thrown out capitalist rule as a rule which does not offer them the conditions to solve their basic needs of existence and does not allow them to affirm their humanity. Partija rada also thinks that world Imperialism will not step down from the historical scene without using all means to defend its positions. Global fascism which is rising, and which is trying to impose itself, supported by the leading Imperialist countries, is the retreat of dying Capitalism, but it is also a deterrent threat to all humanity. Everyday practice shows that and teaches us. Partija rada will try to make her contribution to the struggle of the human community worldwide against the world capitalist order.

CC of PR February, 2006

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