Since its founding, the Party of Labor has supported the just struggle of the Albanian people in Kosovo for national liberation from the Belgrade regime.

However, liberation from the Greater-Serbian boot at the end of the twentieth century did not mean freedom for the people of Kosovo. They fell under the boot of a more powerful master and became another tool in the great imperialist competition in the Balkans. The current tensions over Kosovo, to which the Belgrade regime, with the support of the Russian imperialists, is giving special attention, is in the service of causing more significant conflicts in the Balkans; that is to say, it represents the resistance of Russian imperialism which is trying not to be pushed out of the Balkans. At the same time, it is an effort of aggressive Western imperialism to bring the Balkans under its control, and from which the Kosovo authorities, in their servility and powerlessness, seek protection, not thinking of continuing the struggle for the liberation of the people of Kosovo.

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