The Party of Labor reiterates its support for every genuine mass uprising against mafia-like and comprador regimes. The protests in Serbia are a legitimate expression of the people’s dissatisfaction with widespread corruption, usurpation of power, decadence, and the sale of the remnants of sovereignty.
Militarization and fascization of society have affected nearly all European countries, while at the same time, social and class antagonisms are becoming more pronounced, increasing fear in the ruling classes, which can also be seen in the case of Serbia.
The Workers’ Party believes that currently limiting the struggle to being exclusively anti-regime, rather than anti-systemic and anti-imperialist, cannot contribute to the long-term liberation of the people in Serbia from the yoke of financial oligarchies, multinational corporations, and military alliances. The regime of Vučić is seen as just another imperialist pawn in the Balkans, offering the Serbian people and their resources to the imperialists mercilessly in order to remain in power and continue looting.
The current protests and demonstrations in Serbia, primarily by students, represent a step forward compared to the previous situation, but they are doomed to fail unless they gain broader support, especially from the working class as the most progressive and simultaneously most massive force in society. At the same time, the protesting masses must not allow themselves to become a tool for merely replacing the ruling elites, or for the imperialists to compete over Serbia, which could lead to conflicts in the country.
The Party of Labor views the protests in Serbia as an integral part of the broader struggle of the people in the Balkans for liberation from colonialism, imperialism, and the new war that is approaching under the leadership of local comprador elites and foreign capitalists.
Only through revolution!
Balkan resistance movement!