The fascist monsters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines kidnapped, tortured, and mercilessly killed ten Filipino revolutionaries, of whom Ka Laan and Ka Bgong Tao were two of the most respected revolutionaries in the Philippine movement. The Party of Labour considers this brutal act a mere act of desperation by the old comprador state. Failing again and again to fulfil the promise they made to their American masters, i.e., to put out the fire of the protracted people’s war, the old comprador state is pinning its hopes on individual terror.
The death of revolutionaries will not have the effect that the ruling classes and American imperialists are hoping for. The revolutionary history of the Filipino people will continue to be enriched and will not end when the life of certain individuals ends.
At this moment, we are reminded of the words of the fallen comrade, Ka Oris: “We are not afraid of death. Everyone will die either from disease or a bullet. It is important for us that our movement is just. We are fighting for the interests of the working class and their close ally, the peasantry. They are fighting for the interests of American and Chinese imperialists. And people see a qualitative difference in it. That is why we have many new, young cadres every year. And it is absurd to think that when we old people leave that the revolution will leave with us. Our revolution does not depend on one man. When Ka Oris is gone, someone of equal or better quality will replace him. The revolution continues because there is a basis for it.”
Long live the revolutionary memory of Ka Laana and Ka Bagong-To and fallen comrades!
Long live the struggle of the Filipino people led by the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army!